November 12, 2020
As we prepare to go back to Haiti, the team was asked what we wanted to leave in Haiti, to which I immediately said, “Seeds! Both physical and spiritual seeds.” I want to leave the physical seeds that will bear fruit for the families of Haiti and I want every child I come across to know the love of God; to know that they are seen, they are loved, they are special, and that God has a plan for their life. Isn’t that what we all need? To know that someone sees us and someone loves us, to feel like we have a purpose in life?
As a mother of two there are countless days that life feels mundane, that if left with my own my thoughts, I can question the purpose of my day to day activities. Though 99% of the time I choose to dwell on better things, let’s be real, we have all been there. What’s the meaning of life? What is my purpose? Why am I doing the same things day in and day out?
This week God used my son to remind me that I am seen not only by God but by my family and by others. As I drove my son home from basketball practice, I asked him what his high’s and low’s of the day were and after he finished telling me, he asked me how my day was. This is how our conversation typically starts out on the way home from school. I told him how I worked on some things for our pastor and was able to get a lot accomplished. To which my son replies, “It is really cool that you get to help build a church Mom.” We talked about the beautiful gift it is that God is allowing us as a family to serve His Kingdom in this way. I was in awe that my son actually thought I was cool. I mean you hear all of these stories of when your teen’s stop thinking you are cool so that in and of itself is a miracle; so let’s stop to celebrate that! Can I get an Amen?! But it was beautiful that my child knew that God was using our family in mighty ways. I am planting seeds right here in my home, it was a reminder that my kids are watching; they see everything; the good, the bad and the ugly. God reminded me that every action we take has potential to make an impact on someone else’s life. Through every single person or thing God puts in my life, I have the opportunity to plant seeds. Sometimes through words, sometimes through actions, sometimes by just being available to whatever the Spirit is calling me to.
When I think about Chalinda, the child that I blogged about last month that made such an impression on me, I remember praying fervently over her every time she was in my arms. That she would know who’s she is and that she would grow up and be a strong and mighty woman of God. That she would not see her situation as a hinderance but as a blessing. That she would allow God to use her for His purpose, and that even though she might always be smaller than those around her, that she would do BIG things. These prayers that I prayed both in Haiti and still to this day, are seeds. What a beautiful gift it is to pray over our children, even when they don’t know it and to pray for other children or even family and friends when they don’t know it. I know that one day I will see the fruit of these prayers over Chalinda and over my own kids.
I encourage you to take some time to think about the seeds you are sewing, be encouraged by it and continue to be intentional. It doesn’t have to be big, it can be small. Celebrate those seeds and ask God to water and nourish them, and that there would be a great harvest.
Still other seed fell on the good soil, where it produced a crop- a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
Matthew 13:8
Sierra Phoenix
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